Responsible and Ethical Sourcing Policy

云顶集团糖果游戏 Holdings, Inc., through its worldwide family of companies, is committed to acting ethically and responsibly in all facets of our operations.

Sustainability is a basic value at 云顶集团糖果游戏. 云顶集团糖果游戏供应商行为准则的一个关键驱动因素是确保我们的供应商理解并符合我们的可持续发展价值观. 我们鼓励我们的供应商在他们自己的运营和供应链中不断努力实施可持续发展原则,例如我们的供应商准则.

在皇冠,对环境的承诺是我们经营理念的基本组成部分. 云顶集团糖果游戏认识到,保护人类健康和环境是一种节约资源和保护员工的良好商业做法, 客户, the general public and the environment.

任何负责任的企业都应考虑日常业务决策过程对环境的潜在影响以及保护自然资源的机会, source reduction, material recycling, 控制污染,确保空气和水更清洁,减少垃圾填埋. 云顶集团糖果游戏要求其供应商按照所有适用的环境法律开展业务,并强烈建议其供应商在其运营中采用可持续的做法,以保护自然资源并最大限度地减少对环境的影响.

云顶集团糖果游戏希望其供应商支持和尊重人权保护,并确保他们不参与侵犯人权的行为. 皇冠希望其供应商遵守普遍接受的雇佣惯例,并优先考虑健康和安全. Suppliers are expected to comply with all applicable labor laws, including those related to wages, 加班, 假期, 缺席, 残疾, maximum working hours and legal right to work.

Responsible and Ethical Sourcing

负责任和道德采购包括所有设计和采取的步骤,确保采购合乎道德,对社会和环境负责. Now more than ever, 人们关心他们的产品来自哪里以及它们是如何生产的(一直回到材料来源)。. 利益相关者一直在向企业施压,要求它们解决这些担忧,否则将面临声誉受损,甚至可能受到监管部门的惩罚. 另外, public outcry, regulatory actions, 随着供应商争相寻找更具可持续性和道德来源的替代品,投资者的担忧可能会导致代价高昂的生产延迟.

Responsible and Ethical Sourcing goals:

皇冠负责任和道德采购计划的目标是识别和消除任何与皇冠使命和愿景不一致的负面环境和社会行为. 皇冠负责任和道德采购计划特别关注对我们业务至关重要的核心原材料和服务. Below is a summary of our program goals:

  • By 2025, 75%的皇冠核心原材料和核心服务供应商(按支出计算)已经过评估,并符合皇冠负责任和道德采购政策和要求
  • By 2025, 根据我们的责任和道德采购标准,所有云顶集团糖果游戏确定为高风险的供应商都经过了第三方审计的评估
  • By 2030, 100%的核心原材料和核心服务供应商(按支出)已经过评估,并符合皇冠负责任和道德采购政策和要求

云顶集团糖果游戏’s Responsible and Ethical Sourcing Program Implementation Levers:

追求卓越和持续改进是皇冠经营的一个重要方面. 云顶集团糖果游戏 encourages and recommends suppliers to:

  • Continuously improve their products and/or services so as to improve quality, reduce cost and reduce the impact of their products on the environment.
  • Maintain accurate supply chain records.
  • 识别, 制定目标并实施行动计划,减少用水和能源使用对环境的影响, wastewater discharge, greenhouse gas emissions, generation of waste, landfill use and packaging.
  • Strive to reduce their environmental footprints, commit to continuous improvement on sustainability issues, and support the achievement of the goals of 云顶集团糖果游戏’s sustainability program.
  • 从符合科朗生产流程需要的可持续来源采购原材料.


  1. 云顶集团糖果游戏 will extend its ongoing responsible sourcing program globally, prioritizing the company’s most frequent and/or largest purchase categories. These categories make up the biggest portions of our overall spend. 这类购买的微小变化可能会显著影响所造成的两种影响, as well as the company’s progress.
  2. 云顶集团糖果游戏将利用新合同谈判或审查/更新/重新评估过程所创造的机会,将社会和环境标准纳入采购决策. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring 云顶集团糖果游戏’s Supplier Code of Conduct is understood and accepted, and any necessary questions are asked through our sourcing assessments.
  3. 对于云顶集团糖果游戏确定的公司购买的核心商品和核心服务,由于以下任何因素的影响,最有可能对社会和/或环境产生负面影响, 云顶集团糖果游戏 will consider deploying third-party assessments and audits:
    • 在它们的来源地区缺乏监管和执法.
    • 利益相关者确定的固有行业特定挑战和声誉风险, 学术界, industry and civil society organizations.
    • lack of supply chain transparency and/or traceability.
    • risk of continuity of supply of critical product inputs.
  4. 作为符合云顶集团糖果游戏负责任和道德采购计划要求的证明,云顶集团糖果游戏将接受供应商和/或其分供应商提供的第三方验证,前提是这些第三方被云顶集团糖果游戏和利益相关者视为可靠的验证来源. Currently, that list would include Ecovadis, SEDEX and ASI, among others.
  5. In accordance with our own agenda and in response to 客户’ requests, 云顶集团糖果游戏将鼓励我们的供应商合作伙伴加入并保持道德贸易倡议(ETI)或类似的道德贸易组织的会员资格, and the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI).
  6. 皇冠将为其全球采购团队部署负责任和道德采购培训计划.

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